
Thursday, April 26, 2018

And We're Back

Thank you all so much for your support in getting our kids to Outdoor School. We had such an amazing time! Working through all the paperwork and notifications was definitely a process and you were nothing but helpful. I know we were a little late getting back to school (the final ceremony speech was a bit long winded), but I really appreciate your patience and gathering the luggage prior to our arrival.

All around, I am so pleased with the outcome of this experience. If you have any suggestions to help with next year's group, please do not hesitate to send me an email. I want to make sure we have the community's support in continuing this program.

Pajama and Movie Day

Tomorrow the sixth grade teachers are hosting a pajama/movie day. Students can wear their pajama and bring ONE fuzzy item. Then, in the afternoon we will being watching, The Lorax. Being that we have had such a busy week, it will be nice to relax with our students.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all you do and all the hard work of the 6th grade staff to make this a fun time for the kids! Outdoor school has always been one of my best memories of school and no doubt will hopefully stay with these kids too! Thanks again!


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We're Nearly There!

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