
Monday, June 4, 2018

It's the End of the Year as We Know It

We are in the final weeks of school, and we are absolutely rocking it! Believe it or not, the students have been incredibly studious this last week, and we are already off to a great start this morning. We were luck to have a fun art literacy lesson on Friday and have many fun events coming up next week!

The Serious Stuff

A number of important assignments will be wrapped up over the next few days. This include a persuasive writing piece, the Newbery Book Reports, a persuasive writing assessment, and the final chapters of A Wrinkle in Time. In addition, we'll be finishing our nutrition unit and personal finance simulation. Be sure to be asking your students about how they did managing their checking and savings accounts!

The Fun Stuff

Here is a list of fun events the students have in the coming two weeks. If you would like to volunteer to chaperone the field trip, please let me know. I can bring five parent helpers this year, and I only have one spot reserved. 

Wednesday, June 6: 4th Grade Play and Final Spirit Assembly
Friday, June 8: Last Day of Math Groups
Monday, June 11: Kick-ball game (with professional kick-ball pitcher!)
Tuesday, June 12: Fly-Up Day (morning)
Wednesday, June 13: Field Day & Staff vs. Student Volleyball Game
Thursday, June 14: All day field trip to Oaks Park
Friday, June 15: Last Day of School; Dismissal at 12:45

We're Nearly There!

With the final week approaching, there are a number of last minute items we are trying to wrap up in class. The students have been working d...